DTEclimate - Research and development

The main objective is the establishment and operationalization of the DTEclimate Competence Center that responds to EU missions within Horizon Europe. DTEclimate implements climate change adaptation measures, which are currently not covered at national or European level: analysis of climate effects from satellite images at high spatial and temporal resolutions, discovery of causal relationships, learning of dynamic climate change models integrating real factors that implement adaptation measures.

The project develops solutions for adapting to climate change in four specific areas: biodiversity, extreme climatic events and natural hazards, the issue of communities in the areas of freshwater lakes and the Black Sea coast, and the dynamics of factors that influence the emergence and re-emergence of viral zoonoses in the context of changes climate and the "One Health" concept. The approach is of a system of systems type, based on the analysis of information extracted from satellite and in-situ observations, identifying cause-effect relationships, learning evolutionary behaviors from time series and developing new models for understanding the measures necessary to adapt to climate change.

The products/services/solutions identified by the Competence Center researchers will be directly addressed to public authorities at different levels of governance and civil society, allowing them to:

● to better understand the climate risks they are and will face in the future;

● to develop ways to be better prepared and to cope with climate change;

● to test and implement in the field innovative solutions needed to build resilience to climate change.

The Competence Center will create and operate a dense network of collaborations for the dissemination of information and the implementation of adaptation measures, will integrate into the European network, will establish and maintain collaborations with the most important environmental agencies or climate centers in the country and Europe.


DTE 3.1.1.
DTE 3.1.2.

Raportul curent pune in evidenta abordarea integrata a serviciilor ecosistemice in stransa legatura cu evenimentele climatice pot genera o imagine mai clara a potentialului de impact de mediu, economic si social astfel se reflecta mai clar gradul de afectare asupra tintelor de sustenabilitate (Sustainability development goal). In acest sens cardu de analiza promoveaza aboudarea integrata specifica adreata la nivel European (SEE SE) si global (EnviroAtlas).